Proudly serving the greater Vermont/New Hampshire region!

75 Years!

FAQ and Info!

Thanks for visiting our upgraded web store.  This page is dedicated to helping you become familiar with our new features.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why can't I log in:

This new site uses your email address and password to log in.  If you can't log in, please contact us, and we'll double check your credentials for you.

Cookies Must Be Turned On:

Like many, many, many other web stores in the internet, our site uses cookies.  If you're having trouble with things like staying logged in, please verify that cookies are enabled in your browser.  A good resource for steps on how to do this can be found here:

Where is my Favorites List?

Renamed to Wishlist.  To access, click on the 'My Wishlist' link at the top of the page, or find it in the 'My Accounts' page.

Where is my Requisition List?

Renamed to Order Pads.  Click on 'My Account' and the click 'Order Pads' from the list of links.

What Are Some New Features?

Category Drill-Down:

Like ordering from the catalog, by category, then by subcategory.  Very nice when you aren't quite sure what you need so the keyword search won't work.

My Printers:

This handy feature makes shopping for ink and toner cartridges fun, and eliminates the need to search for them each time you need them.  Search for them once, give them a name, and then just pick the name next time you need the cartridges.

Ink and Toner Search:

Works just like My Printers, but without the ability to save.  Nice when you have a one-time need for a cartridge.


You can now do many of your own administrative tasks for web ordering, when you want to do it, instead of emailing us and waiting a short time for us to do it. You can change your password, contact information, and addresses. If you are the administrator for multiple users, you can also do user administration as well.




Product Disclaimer:

Although we do our best to ensure accuracy of our products, information for the products on this web site comes from various sources, so we cannot guaranty the accuracy of all product information.  We do promise to do our best to correct, on this site, any product information that might arise.


Pricing Disclaimer:

Although we do our best to ensure accuracy of pricing, information used in pricing calculations comes from various sources including 3rd party vendors.  Due to this we cannot guaranty the accuracy of all prices, and occasional errors can occur.  We will promise to do our best to correct, on this site, any pricing issue that might arise. If a situation arises where a pricing error has occurred, it will be at the decision of the customer to cancel the order and/or return the affected product, if desired.